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Large collection of Polish Parishes related links are shown in Polish
version of this webpage Polskie
At this time we do not have information about Polish Parishes in Mozambique.
Thus Catholic links are shown below.
Pastoral Plan For POLONIA In The USA http://takuski.com/polonia/pastoral_plan.htm
Ministry to Polonia http://takuski.com/polonia/ministry.htm
Polish American Priests Association PAPA http://takuski.com/polonia/papa.htm
Polish Catholic Mission in San Diego http://www.polishmission.org
Polish Parish in Los Angeles http://pan.net/kosciol
Polish parish in San Jose http://www.employees.org/~stalbert/pindex.html
Polonia Parishes in the World, on the Internet http://www.salwatorianie.pl/parafie/polonia.htm
Roman Catholic Parishes in the USA & Canada http://www.wsdsc.poznan.pl/schr/usa/usa.htm
Polish Communities in San Francisco area http://members.aol.com/poloniasfo
Catholics in the World - By regions, maps, numbers, webpage of Catholic
Missionary Union of England and Whales http://www.cmu.org.uk/caths/cat_pg04.htm
PetersVoice http://www.petersvoice.com/index.htm
Persecution of Catholics - Worldwide stories by Petersvoice http://www.petersvoice.com/persecution.htm
Towarzystwo Chrystusowe dla Polonii Zagranicznej organizuje czuwanie na
Jasnej Gorze w intencji Polakow zyjacych poza granicami kraju
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions - Roman Catholic Congregation
of women religious, many links about Social Justice, Social Justice, Human
Rights, Indigenous Peoples, Spirituality, Theology Library, Hunger and
many more http://rndm.tripod.com
Vatican http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm
Michael Journal - Maison Saint-Michael, 1101 Principale Street, Rougemont,
Que., Canada, J0L1M0, 450-469-2209, 514-856-5714, fax 450-469-2601, wersja
polska, angielska, does not have webpage.
Michael - Pilgrims of Saint Michael, P.O. Box 38, Richford, VT
05476-0038, USA, wersja polska, angielska, does not have
Catholics in India http://berchmans.tripod.com/chridx.html
Angels and Saints - Saints index, Angels, Patron Saints list, Feastdays,
more http://saints.catholic.org/index.shtml
MARCH 19, St. Joseph's Day - Polish Easter Traditions http://acweb.colum.edu/users/agunkel/homepage/easter/swjozef.html
Catholic Web Directory http://www.catholic-pages.com
Catholic Online http://www.catholic.org
Theology Library - 114 pages with 5800 links http://www.mcgill.pvt.k12.al.us/jerryd/cathmob.htm
Catholic Information Center http://www.catholic.net
All rights reserved. Published by Peter Sobczak (Piotr Sobczak), USA, Alberto T. Mabjaia
and Dorota Mabjaia, Mozambique. Send comments to Webmaster,
writing site name and address (Polonia Mozambik, http://poloniamozambik.tripod.com).
Thank you!
Polonia San Diego, California - by same author http://poloniasandiego.tripod.com